Rosie Revere, Engineer- A Story of Determination and Success Author: Andrea Beaty Illustrator: David Roberts
Although Rosie Revere dreamed desperately of being an engineer, with a lack of confidence from both herself and those around her, she was unsure of her ability and talent.
When she was young, Rosie miraculously invented gizmos upon gadgets for her family: hot dog dispensing machines, helium pants, even a cheese hat to repel snakes. But as she continued her inventions, her Uncle Fred laughed at her. From that day on she kept her ideas to herself. She would scavenge in the school bins, bringing home materials and tools that she would use to build late at night when no one was watching. She would no longer share her revolutionary products with the people she loved and those who loved her.
Until one day, her Aunt Rosa shared her dream with Rosie- Aunt Rosa wished to fly, to soar the skies high above the clouds. At first Rosie wasn’t sure if she could complete this huge feat.
But her Aunt Rosa had the opposite attitude, praising her for an amazing first try. Eventually, after time and time of little adjustments, Rosie Revere did it, she built a flying machine and regained her confidence as a potential engineer.
A single line encompasses the message of this book: “The only true failure is when you quit.” With catchy and short rhymes, this children’s book is one that everyone should read. It reminds us that nothing is unachievable, nothing is impossible, as long as we try our best.
English review written by Vania Chow. Vania is a vibrant and passionate student who is interested in many global affairs- human rights, food insecurity, politics. She thoroughly enjoys reading and writing about these issues as she believes that words and education are one of the best ways to make an impact. Outside of school, she is an active member of her community and loves spending times outdoors with her family and friends. With these values in mind, she hopes that the book reviews she has written will empower children today to love reading.